leo garcia
1 min readApr 17, 2017

No One Likes an Empty Cup of Coffee. There are some things that we just cannot live with. Things like Mondays, homework, fake friends or a empty cup of coffee.No One Likes an Empty Cup of CoffeeOther posts: Thankful Thursday Morning Coffee Day, Coffee Shop Charges by The Minute, How To Mildly Annoy PeopleThere are some things that we just cannot tolerate, such as: Mondays, homework, fake friends, being ignored, crappy internet, empty fridge, slow drivers and an empty cup of coffee.What are some of the things that YOU do not like?? Please let us know in the comments below.If you like this post please share

The post No One Likes an Empty Cup of Coffee appeared first on Coffee N Wine.

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leo garcia

Leo Garcia is a Yoga practitioner that passes the knowledge I has earned from practicing Yoga on my website UsingYoga.com